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LEAN manufacturing, the manufacturing method that @toyota uses.

Lean Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing is a production process based on an ideology of maxamising productivity while simultaneously minimising waste within a manufacturing operation.
The LEAN principle sees waste as anything that doesn't add value that the customers are willing to pay for.


  • Reduced lead times and operting costs
  • Improved product quality

Ways to do it

  • Eliminate waste: Waste is a negative factor for cost, deeadliness and resources. It also provides no value or services.
  • Improve quality: Improved quality allows companies to stay competitive and meet the changing needs and the wants of customers.
  • Reducing costs: Over production or having more materials than is required creates storage costs, which can be reduced through better processes and materials management.
  • Reducing time: Wasting time with inefficient practices is a waste of money too, while more efficient practices create shorter lead times and allow for goods and services to be delivered faster.

An example of a business that uses LEAN manufacturing is Toyota

LEAN at a non manufacturing business

Lean would work just as well at a non manufacturing business, as the waste in most organisations is high, therefore there is more of an oppourtunity for LEAN to take effect.